Multipolar Globalization
A book project on the theme of multipolar globalization in light of the rise of emerging economies and current trends in global economic development, which have generated a momentous shift in the world order. Combining development studies, global political economy, sociology, and cultural studies, I examine the role of multipolarity in the reshaping of globalization and inquire what this growth means for domestic and global inequality. Forthcoming from Routledge. More
Development Theory: Deconstructions/ Reconstructions
Focusing on the theory and policy of development, the project takes up current thinking in sociology, critical theory and social science to engage issues of Eurocentrism, critical globalism, delinking, post-development thinking and intercultural relations. Published by Sage (London) and TCS books, second revised edition 2010. More

Much of my recent research has focused on the modernizing trends and diverse forms of capitalism in the emerging economies of China, Northeast Asia, and Southeast Asia, including research with Malaysian colleagues on 21st century globalization. Earlier work on other BRICS countries led to an edited volume on prospects for an emergent, globally significant Brazil.
China's Contingencies and Globalization
A volume co-edited with two Chinese scholars exploring a range of questions regarding China’s economic development and modernizing trends in the current era of globalization. Published in 2007 by Routledge ThirdWorlds. More
Changing Constellations of Southeast Asia
A volume co-edited with Abdul Rahman Embong and Tham Siew Yean is now published by Routledge; based on research largely conducted during my 2014-15 research professorship at the Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS). More
Capitalism in Asia
An edited volume, forthcoming from Seoul National University Press.
Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS)
At the National University of Malaysia (UKM) in Kuala Lumpur as the 5th Pok Rafeah Professor of International Studies in 2014-2015, I led an institutional research project entitled “Globalization in the 21st Century.” More
Brazil Emerging: Inequality and Emancipation
Co-edited with Adalberto Cardoso, this volume addresses Brazil’s complex configuration of state policies, social dynamics, economic constraints, and opportunities for emancipation. Published by Routledge in 2013. More

Globalization & Culture
This project argued that, rather than experiencing a “clash of civilizations” or cultural homogenization, we witness the formation of a global mélange culture through processes of cultural mixing or hybridization. Published by Rowman & Littlefield, 3rd revised edition, 2015. More