The Global Dynamics Initiative supports four main threads of research, each led by a member of the faculty cluster. In addition to research conducted by the Mellichamp professors, our cluster supports speakers, conferences, and research endeavors organized by campus colleagues and partners around the globe.
Gender & Islam
The Gender & Islam research initiative is led by Professor Janet Afary who has published extensively on modern Iranian culture and politics as well as issues of gender, family, intimacy, and sexuality in Muslim-majority societies.
Contact: Janet Afary
Human Rights
Alison Brysk leads the Human Rights research initiative. Her interests include governance issues, women’s rights, and human migration. She is also specializes in Latin American studies with emphasis on indigenous rights.
Contact: Alison Brysk
Media & Culture
The Media & Culture research initiative is led by Professor Michael Curtin who specializes in the study of screen media institutions and policies around the world. Other topics include creativity, labor, language, popular culture, and communication.
Contact: Michael Curtin
Political Economy
Professor Jan Nederveen Pieterse's current work emphasizes global political economy and development studies with a focus on 21st century globalization. This initiative also analyzes the rise of Asia, China, and emerging economies in other parts of the world.
Contact: Jan Nederveen Pieterse