Global Competition for Talent and Regional & Global Disparities

Global Competition for Talent and Regional & Global Disparities

Ingrid Kofler photo
  • Events
  • Speaker
March 132019
SSMS 2001
Ingrid Kofler, speaker
Jan Nederveen Pieterse, event host

Global Competition for Talent and Regional & Global Disparities
Ingrid Kofler
EURAC Research, Italy

Wednesday February 6, 2019 12:00PM
SSMS 2001

Global Studies Colloquium Series
Orfalea Endowment for the MA Program in Global Studies

Europe is facing a new challenge due to the shortage of skilled workforce in many sectors; the ageing of the population will exacerbate this problem in the near future. Regional labor markets are in global competition for (highly) qualified and specialized workers. In cases where the attractiveness of the city, region or country does not exist, many opt for alternatives offered elsewhere and for instance in urban realities, thereby generating inequalities at different levels. The flexibility of an internationally mobile workforce and the increasing speed at which skill requirements are changing produce disparities at spatial, social and economic levels. The driving processes behind this regional problem, however, take place on a global level. Thus global processes should be taken into consideration to understand what impact global developments, such as digitization, migration, etc. have on regional labor markets. How is the global labor market developing? Who will be the (highly) skilled workers of tomorrow? Which economic, political, demographic and technological developments at global level influence regional labor markets? To answer these questions, an interdisciplinary project has been carried out with the aim of bringing together regional problems and global challenges using qualitative and quantitative research methods (Delphi Survey, secondary data analysis, interviews), the results of which will be presented in this paper.
Ingrid Kofler, currently a visiting scholar with the Mellichamp initiative on 21st Century Global Dynamics, is senior research fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research (Italy). She holds a PhD in Sociology from Paris Descartes University and Roma Tre University (Italy). Her research interests include globalization, social change, innovation and migration, as well as qualitative and quantitative social research methods and interdisciplinarity. Prior to joining Eurac Research, Ingrid was researcher and project manager at the institute “Apollis” (Italy) and assistant lecturer at University of Rennes, Paris Descartes and Evry (France)