Changing Channels in Global Media Industries

Changing Channels in Global Media Industries

Changing Channels - conference poster
  • Events
  • Conference
March 142017
Pyle Conference Center, Madison, Wisconsin
Michael Curtin, co-sponsor, presenter

Changing Channels in Global Media Industries
co-hosted by:
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Communication Arts

University of California-Santa Barbara
21st Century Global Dynamics Initiative
March 21, 2017
Pyle Conference Center - Madison, Wisconsin
Exploring the dynamism of media creation and delivery systems and their implications for an interconnected world
Conference Schedule
Opening Remarks Derek Johnson (UW-Madison)
Panel: From Channels to Streams
Serra Tinic (University of Alberta)
Michael Curtin (UC Santa Barbara)
Courtney Brannon Donoghue (Oakland University)
Aymar Jean Christian (Northwestern University)
Panel: Radio, Music, & Channels of Sound
Aswin Punathambekar (University of Michigan)
Lori Lopez (UW-Madison)
Jeremy Morris (UW-Madison)
Cornel Sandvoss (University of Huddersfield)
Panel: Production & the Politics of Practice
Kristen Warner (University of Alabama)
Kathleen Loock (Freie Universität Berlin)
Eric Hoyt (UW-Madison)
Jason Lopez (UW-Madison)