Expanding Human Rights: 21st Century Norms and Governance

Expanding Human Rights: 21st Century Norms and Governance

Expanding Human Rights book cover
  • Publications
  • Anthology
March 2017
Alison Brysk, Michael Stohl, editors
Edward Elgar Publishing

Expanding Human Rights: 21st Century Norms and Governance
Elgar Studies in Human Rights series

Edited by
Alison Brysk, Mellichamp Chair of Global Governance, Department of Global Studies, University of California Santa Barbara
Michael Stohl, Professor of Communication, Political Science and Global Studies and Director of the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies, University of California Santa Barbara

The 21st century demands expanding rights, as the established human rights regime is necessary but not sufficient. This project will analyze the global dynamics of the mobilization of new actors, claims, institutions and modes of accountability. Our multi-disciplinary, multi-method analysis draws from a full range of global experience, with balanced attention to civil-political and social-economic rights; from LBGT movements in the new Europe to campaigns for the right to food in India.