Immigrant Subjectivities: The Resistance and Resilience of Maghreb Mothers in the Parisian Banlieues

Immigrant Subjectivities: The Resistance and Resilience of Maghreb Mothers in the Parisian Banlieues

Brinda J. Mehta
  • Events
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March 132016
Chem 1171, UCSB campus
Brinda Mehta
Janet Afary, co-sponsor

Brinda J. Mehta is the Germaine Thompson Professor of French and Francophone Studies at Mills College in Oakland, California. She is the author of five books: Dissident Writings of Arab Women: Voices Against Violence (Routledge, 2014 – Winner of the African Literature Association’s 2016 Book of the Year Award for Outstanding scholarship in African literary studies); Notions of Identity, Diaspora and Gender in Caribbean Women’s Writing (Palgrave, 2009); Rituals of Memory in Contemporary Arab Women’s Writing (Syracuse UP, 2007);  Diasporic (Dis)locations: Indo Caribbean Women Writers Negotiate the Kala Pani (University Press of the West Indies, 2004 – Winner of the Caribbean Philosophical Association’s 2007 Frantz Fanon Award);  Corps infirme, corps infâme: la femme dans le roman balzacien (Summa Publications 1992). She has co-edited two volumes on Indo-Caribbean/Afro-Caribbean Thought (CLR James Journal) and francophone writings on Indian indenture (L’esprit créateur). Mehta has also published over fifty articles on postcolonial African and Caribbean literature and Arab   women’s writings that have appeared in journals such as the South Atlantic Quarterly, Meridians, Callaloo, Research in African Literatures, among others.