Exploring Emergent Global Thresholds - Book Launch event

Exploring Emergent Global Thresholds - Book Launch event

Exploring Emergent Global Thresholds - launch event poster
  • Events
  • Book Launch
March 92017
Orfalea Center Seminar Room, 2320 Girvetz Hall
with Richard Falk, Manoranjan Mohanty, Hilal Elver, Vinay Lal, Mark Juergensmeyer, Victor Faessel
Victor Faessel, co-editor

A discussion panel on global futures, featuring editors and contributors to the volume

Exploring Emergent Global Thresholds: Towards 2030
(Delhi: Orient BlackSwan, 2017)

November 7, 2017 -- 12:00 PM
Orfalea Center Seminar Room, 2320 Girvetz Hall

***Sandwiches will be served***

Sponsored by the Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies

Richard Falk, Distinguished Fellow, Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies

Manoranjan Mohanty, Council for Social Development, New Delhi

Hilal Elver, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food

Vinay Lal, Professor of History, UCLA

Victor Faessel, 21st Century Global Dynamics, UCSB

Moderator: Mark Juergensmeyer, Department of Global Studies, UCSB

Volume contributors include:
Rajeev Bhargava, Center for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi

Neera Chandhoke, National Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research

Hilal Elver, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food

Victor Faessel, 21st Century Global Dynamics Initiative, UCSB

Richard Falk, Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies

Mark Juergensmeyer, Depatment of Global Studies, UCSB

Radha Kumar, Chair of UN University Council; Director General, Delhi Policy Group

Vinay Lal, UCLA Department of History

George Mathew, Institute of Social Sciences, Delhi

Nivedita Menon, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Bidyut Mohanty, Institute of Social Sciences, Delhi

Manoranjan Mohanty, Council for Social Development, Delhi

Achin Vanaik, Delhi University